There are numerous simple methods to earn additional money and incentives without putting in a lot of work thanks to the internet. Some forms of passive income require no oversight at all, while others need you to periodically update your status or check-in on them. With passive income, you simply sign up for something and let the money come in. Unlike clocking in at a regular, traditional 9-to-5 job, finding a source of passive income is ideal if you want to work different hours with less effort. Passive income is one of the best ways to make money without working too hard. With their one-of-a-kind Computer and Mobile Panel, you earn up to $50 per year. The company is a well-known market research firm that gives out $10,000 every month. Neilsen may be unfamiliar to you, but if you want to build a passive income stream, you should certainly pay attention to them. One way to earn some passive cash is through the Nielsen Computer and Mobile Panel, which allows you to just use the internet as you normally would.